Sunday, March 28, 2010

Shit My Dad Says - Passover Edition

Expect the Shit my Dad Says postings to become a regular occurence.

If you know my father or if you have ever heard me speak about him (please...I often do), then most of the stuff I post won't seem all that out-of-place. The man, literally, has no filter. His mind-to-mouth is so fast he can't really help it. It's gotten him in a heap of trouble over the years - but it also makes for the most ridiculous conversations on earth.

For those who don't know him - oh, consider yourselves in for a treat.

Here are tonight's quotables and considering tomorrow begins Passover and these are about said Holiday I figured they are fitting.

" appropos, you're bringing the first-born"
(after my stepbrother let us know his will bringing and introducing us to his newborn daughter)

That's all, folks.

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